Scrap Metal Prices in Adelaide

The recycling of scrap metal is an industry that not only stimulates economic growth but also promotes environmental sustainability across the globe. Adelaide, with its bustling manufacturing, construction, and mining sectors, is a thriving hub for the scrap metal market. In this article, we will delve into the current state of scrap metal prices in Adelaide, focusing on copper, aluminium, steel, iron, and brass.

Price per Kilo
Bare Bright Copper
A$6.65 - A$7.36
Copper 1 (Clean)
A$6.10 - A$6.75
Copper 2 (Mixed)
A$5.59 - A$6.18
Insulated Wire 1
A$5.14 - A$5.68
Insulated Wire 2 (PVC)
A$2.18 - A$2.41
Aluminium Extruded
A$1.28 - A$1.42
Aluminium Cast
A$0.93 - A$1.03
Aluminium Domestic
A$0.93 - A$1.03
Aluminium Cans
A$0.76 - A$0.83
Clean Brass
A$4.16 - A$4.60
Stainless Steel
A$1.02 - A$1.13
A$3.78 - A$4.17
A$1.40 - A$1.55
PB Battery
A$0.54 - A$0.59
Car Battery
A$4.72 - A$5.22
Truck Battery
A$5.67 - A$6.26
A$0.09 - A$0.10

Finding the Current Scrap Metal Prices in Adelaide

To get a clear picture of the current scrap metal prices in Adelaide, it’s important to turn to reliable resources. Local scrap yards and recycling facilities often provide the most accurate and up-to-date pricing, as they are closely aligned with the local market’s dynamics. Given the volatility of scrap metal prices due to factors such as international market trends, local demand, and the scrap’s condition, contacting these facilities directly or visiting their websites is a wise approach.

Additionally, international benchmark prices for scrap metal are available on platforms like the London Metal Exchange and various commodities trading websites. However, local prices in Adelaide may not align perfectly with these due to factors such as transportation costs and local supply and demand.

Adelaide Scrap Metal Prices

Scrap Copper Prices in Adelaide

Copper holds a high place in the scrap metal market due to its widespread use in fields like electronics, plumbing, and electrical wiring. The demand for scrap copper is substantial in Adelaide, making it a high-yield option.

At present, scrap copper prices in Adelaide range from around $6.30 – $9.30 per kilogram, depending on the scrap’s quality. Clean, unalloyed copper often fetches the highest prices, while copper mixed with other materials might yield less.

Scrap Aluminium Prices in Adelaide

Aluminium, prized for its light weight and resistance to corrosion, is a staple in the automotive and construction industries. The steady demand for recycled aluminium in Adelaide ensures its solid presence in the scrap market.

Scrap aluminium prices in Adelaide are generally lower than copper due to its more abundant nature and lower production cost. The going rate is approximately $1.25 – $1.55 per kilogram, but certain types of aluminium scrap, such as extruded aluminium, may fetch higher prices.

Scrap Steel Prices in Adelaide

Steel, one of the most frequently recycled metals, is integral to industries such as construction, manufacturing, and transportation. With Adelaide’s consistent infrastructure development, the demand for scrap steel is robust.

Scrap steel prices in Adelaide typically hover around $0.18 – $0.33 per kilogram. These prices can significantly vary based on the steel’s quality and type. For example, stainless steel often commands a higher price due to its superior resistance to rust and corrosion.

Scrap Iron Prices in Adelaide

Iron, a primary component in numerous industrial applications, is always in demand. In Adelaide, scrap iron prices often mirror steel prices, as steel is an alloy mainly composed of iron.

Generally, scrap iron prices in Adelaide range from $0.12 – $0.22 per kilogram. Factors like the form of the scrap (cast iron, wrought iron, etc.) and its contamination level can influence the exact pricing. Moreover, larger quantities of iron scrap may warrant better rates due to economies of scale.

Scrap Brass Prices in Adelaide

Brass, an alloy of copper and zinc, is valued for its aesthetic appeal and resistance to corrosion. It is commonly used in fixtures, fittings, and musical instruments. Scrap brass demand is high in Adelaide, especially in the construction and home renovation sectors.

The current rate for scrap brass in Adelaide varies between $3.80 – $4.80 per kilogram. As with other metals, factors such as the quality, quantity, and form of the brass scrap can influence its price. Clean brass devoid of any attachments or foreign materials generally fetches a higher price.

In conclusion, the scrap metal recycling industry in Adelaide is dynamic and heavily influenced by a range of local and global factors. By staying informed and connected with local scrap yards and industry resources, both businesses and individuals can maximise their returns on scrap metal sales while contributing to a more sustainable future.

What are international scrap metal prices?

Scrap metal prices vary substantially from country to country. In much the same way that prices vary throughout Adelaide and the rest of Australia, the prices internationally are completely set by supply and demand. Due to being quite far away from other countries, you would expect Australia to have high prices, however because the country has a lot of natural resources, this is unfortunately not the case. Scrap metal prices are fairly low throughout much of the country and particularly in regions close to major cities and ports. Below you can find some links to other international countries’ scrap metal prices: